Wednesday 9 July 2008

iPhone 3G Woes

Like most iPhone users I attempted to get my pre-order made the other day. So I start hitting the order button around 8.30am and am still hitting it around 5pm and getting the unable to process your request message. Then at 6pm I try one last time and voila, I get the 'Sorry we are out of stock' message. I guess this is payback for getting my original phone second in line when they were first released.

Now I am really asking myself, do I really need to upgrade or is this just an impulse and in all honestly I think it is. I rarely use internet services when out and about and the GPS may come in handy once in a while but other that that I can't really justify it. On the other hand who cares, I'm going to get it anyway so why hold off.

Amazing how such a small thing has me so wired.

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