Saturday 12 July 2008

iPhone 3G - Crappy Carphone Warehouse Experience

I couldn't resist any longer the temptation to own one. Having already download the v2 software and loaded onto my v1 iPhone and played with some apps I was compelled to go get the hardware.

I bought my first iPhone from Carphone Warehouse(CW) on launch day and so I decided to leave it until 11AM on Friday for this launch. Needless to say there was a queue of around 7 people and 3 serving staff taking on average 20 minutes per customer although I had heard that the credit auth system had gone down for 2 hours. So after a 2 hour wait I emerged and you guessed it - with no iPhone. Apparently this store had asked for 35 or so and received 9 from their central depot so they sold out within 10 seconds of opening. Instead I parted with my cash and £15 extra for a next day (Saturday) delivery direct from their warehouse. The sales guy was guaranteeing before 1pm delivery. So at 2pm Saturday I knew the jig was up and rang through to CW sales to chase my phone. After a 30 minute wait in the call centre queue a very nice lady looked up my tracking number and promptly put me on hold and then dumped me back into the main queue. I guessed this due to the ridiculous music that suddenly piped up yet again. After another 10 minute wait I get another guy. I complain and give him my tracking number again. He goes off and checks it out then tells me its because it hasn't been fulfilled at the warehouse (which basically means they sold me a phone they didn't have). No wonder the first agent dumped me back in the queue, she must have known how pissed I would be. So after a good moan I could feel the other guy cremating in his chair. He promptly refunded me my £15 charge and gave me the complaints address.

It's just striking how appalling the customer service is in these places and CW seems to do this to me every time I go in their store. This is the last time I will use them. I wonder how many other people got sold vapour phones.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Nikon equipment sale on ebay

My auctions end tonight so if you want a great camera body and wide angle lens go visit...

Nikon D300 camera body

Nikon 12-24mm DX Wide Angle Lens

iPod Touch

Today is the wife's birthday and she is the lucky recipient of nice shiny 16Gb iPod Touch lucky girl.

So initially I have to upgrade her PC to XP service pack 2 then I have to install latest iTunes so an hour later I finally have the iPod plugged in and some music on it. Wi-fi setup took another minute. What a sweet piece of tech this thing really is given the sophistication behind the scenes. Hats off to Apple, they really know how to make things useable.

Of course the wife immediately says can she still use her old nano for when she's in the garden!?!?!?! I guess if it's anything like shoes and handbags at some stage there will be a cupboard somewhere just for her iPod gear.

iPhone 3G Woes

Like most iPhone users I attempted to get my pre-order made the other day. So I start hitting the order button around 8.30am and am still hitting it around 5pm and getting the unable to process your request message. Then at 6pm I try one last time and voila, I get the 'Sorry we are out of stock' message. I guess this is payback for getting my original phone second in line when they were first released.

Now I am really asking myself, do I really need to upgrade or is this just an impulse and in all honestly I think it is. I rarely use internet services when out and about and the GPS may come in handy once in a while but other that that I can't really justify it. On the other hand who cares, I'm going to get it anyway so why hold off.

Amazing how such a small thing has me so wired.

Sunday 29 June 2008

Something I just had to blog...

I received a tantalising email today from a company called Rutlands, the title of which was: 'Introducing The World's Finest Butt Chisel Set'! The strap line alone was enough to crack me up ;-)

Being thoroughly intrigued and open minded I tentatively clicked the link in the email and hoped for the best. I was both surprised and relieved when the page loaded. Perhaps you will see the funny side of this as well...

Friday 27 June 2008

Nikon WT-4 partly working...

Well I managed to get the WT-4 working last night but of course only using a network router as a go between camera and computer. It's not too shabby either in terms of file transfer speed. Still no peer to peer result though although I did manage to get the camera to talk to the airport card in my Mac. For some reason thought it then cannot route the TCP/IP requests to the local ftp server.

I set my Mac up using a neat applescript called Aperture Hot Folder where basically any image file that gets dropped in there will then get imported into an Aperture library project. So I have configured my apache ftp server to drop the files in this folder when received.

Encounter with Subaru boy

Had the stereotypical brush with Subaru boy (SB) this morning as I was parking my car at the local Costco store. SB of course burns past me in the car park and steals the space I had just spotted. He then performs the fastest stop and 'reverse into parking space' manoeuvre possible. As I drive past him at a leisurely 3 miles an hour I indicate with up and down flat hand movements that he needs to slow things down.

I park and of course before I have the key out of the ignition, SB is outside the drivers door. I open door to be met with tirade of abuse like 'you a*sehole if you weren't so indecisive' etc etc He then walks off shouting that I am a 'd*ickhead' at the top of his voice repeatedly and giving me the finger. Of course SB is only recently out of nappies (diapers) and is a tradesman designate. He doesn't own a single wheel on the souped up Subaru boy racer and probably borrowed it from a mate, no doubt 1 year older than himself. Had this taken place in the USA he would probably have blown me away with a .45 or such like and then gone off for a burger to go. When I lived in Miami, dafter things happened.

What was really strange about this was that SB then proceeded back to his car and drove off. Possibly he was just exercising his aggressive parking skills and road rage handling but you never can tell...

Perhaps one day we won't allow young idiots to own ridiculously powerful cars like this one and then we won't see so many deaths. In my town where we are surrounded by roundabouts and dual carriageways, speeds are excessive and I regularly see boy racer's cars wrapped around trees, lamp posts and anything else they manage to tangle with. I couldn't begin to estimate the fatality count but it has to be stupendously high.