Thursday 26 June 2008

Going online bigtime

Wow, so this week I have set up facebook and blogspot, two things I had avoided doing for quite some time, basically I think because I didn't feel like committing too much of me in the public domain. Maybe that's an unfounded paranoia, but I guess since I started posting my photography work on flickr I have mellowed a bit and decided it can't be that bad a thing.

So not a bad start, I managed to get 2 surruptitious web links into my very first paragraph, how cool is that! Now you ask, why are you called 'Nikkors n Chips' - well Nikkors because I am a Nikonian (i.e. I only use Nikon cameras and lenses) and nikkor is Nikon's name for their lenses. Chips because I only use digital cameras and as we all know, digital means microchips.

Lastly then, why 'supergeek'? Well I have come to discover that when something technology orientated doesn't work and I can't fix it (which is quite a rare thing) I end up calling some tech support line and nine times out of ten I discover within the first few seconds that I actually know more about their products than they do. On one level this makes me feel incredibly good about myself but on another that quickly fades into dismay as I realise my problem is not going to get resolved anytime soon. So I know a fair bit about computers, cameras and most things hi-tech and when I say know I don't mean just how to switch it on, I mean how it really works inside. This helps somewhat because I have surrounded myself with more gadgets than most people ever dream of. I have full height computer rack systems in the garage computing prime numbers, video projectors, huge camera lenses and lots of computers: Apple macs and pc's and to me this is incredibly comforting. I work from home and so I get great benefits from this (some seasonal) in that I get to play with stuff a lot and the really power hungry gadgets kick out lots of heat to keep me warm in the winter months :)

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